The West Village will be hosting The Local Panel Series as part of the Sustainable Food Movement. The panel will discuss how the food people eat and the purchases they make affect their health and the health of the planet.Experts Jack Stone from Bee One Third, Tracey Bailey from Biome along with Alice Star and Phillip Garozzo from Loop Growers will discuss how people acting locally can help to affect real change and make a real impact.

Environmentally and socially responsible living can be a daunting journey to undertake, with information overload around what to do and where to start a real problem. With this in mind, their panel of experts will be discussing issues facing Australia’s sustainable food movement, as well as providing handy tips on how to make positive change from our pantry and beyond.Jack Stone is from Bee One Third – an urban beekeeping and pollination social enterprise. Jack is responsible for cultivating 220 European and native beehives between Noosa and Byron Bay. Through his work, centralised pollination hubs help contribute to the vital act of pollination within the city and coastal environments. Not only does Bee One Third distribute some of the best honey in SEQ, it also aims to educate and inform consumers on the importance of bees to our food system.

Founder of beloved eco store Biome, Tracey Bailey has built Biome into a go-to haven for those seeking environmentally and socially responsible household products. Biome’s range encompasses non-toxic, organic and biodegradable goods that are free from palm oil, BPA, PVC, synthetic fragrances and preservatives, helping save millions of single-use items heading to landfill. The final members of our panel are Alice Star and Phillip Garozzo, co-founders of closed-loop bio-intensive market garden Loop Growers. Based in Samford Valley, they grow, harvest and distribute a range of chemical-free produce to local cafes and restaurants, in turn taking away excess yields of organic matter (fruit and veggie scraps, coffee grounds, egg shells) to feed the worms at their farm, thereby turning waste into nutrient-rich compost for the next batch of produce.

Tickets are now on sale. $15 per person and include an arrival drink and nibbles.

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