The reduction of rainfall throughout Australia and many regions of the world is a part of an environmental change caused by deforestation. With an open invitation to join hands and hearts, Plant Trees Please aims to help people see that they have the power to make a difference. The environmental education and support organisation encourages and educates people about planting trees and has started a campaign distributing flyers in cafes and eateries throughout the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane.

“With shop holders and café owners happy to have our flyers sitting prominently beside the cash register, people have had direct access to our simple message about planting trees,” the organisation said. “We believe the flyers are having a positive effect on the issue of tree removal and planting.”

Over the past couple of years, the campaign has been able to reach out to people directly, encouraging them to play a small part in the bigger action of revitalising the environment, one tree at a time. From Plant Trees Please’s long-term observations, they have estimated more than 15 per cent more trees have been planted since their campaign started and 30 to 50 per cent fewer trees have been removed. “Our way of approaching this has been direct and simple,” they said. “With our successful flyer campaign, we make contact with people when they’re taking the time to grab a bite to eat.”

The success of the campaign sees the need for the regular replenishment of flyers and so the organisation is asking for a lending hand. They are looking for volunteers to help distribute flyers into more locations throughout Brisbane and South East Queensland. If you are interested in being a part of this movement, visit their Facebook for more information.

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