Whether you love a good Christmas rom com or despise the very thought of it, Brisbane theatre company Act/React has jammed the best of both worlds into a one-hour performance revolving around classic 2003 film, Love Actually.

Nominated last year for Best Comedy at Perth Fringe World, Love/Hate Actually explores the contrasting opinions of close friends Amy Currie and Natalie Bochenski surrounding the star-studded film. While Amy believes that Love Actually is the epitome of love and human relationships, not to mention the best Christmas movie in existence, Natalie hates it with a passion, presenting several arguments as to why – many of which are explained through pie charts and educational role play.

After both sides were presented, the time came for the audience to decide whether Love/Actually was the ultimate Christmas flick, or whether it was just ultimately terrible. The verdict was clear – no matter how accurate Natalie had been with her arguments, the rom com fanatics in the room remained loyal.

Love/Hate Actually is a unique, fun and side-splitting movie synopsis, lecture and game show all in one. With the inclusion of audience interaction, music and plenty of reference to British hotties like Colin Firth and Hugh Grant, this comedy duo has hit all the right spots at the Brisbane Powerhouse Wonderland Festival this month.

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