Thirty-one years on from the original release of Predator, the franchise is still going strong. The fourth installment of the Predator film series titled The Predator is directed by Shane Black. This science fiction action film does not shy away from the gory sequences, and manages to make the audience laugh in their seats in moments when it is probably inappropriate to laugh.

The film centres around Quinn McKenna portrayed by Boyd Holbrook, father and former army ranger who is the first to discover the Predators arrive on earth. McKenna soon partners with a group of disgruntled ex-soldiers to defeat the Predators, along with Casey Bracket (Olivia Munn) a scientist and biologist, who is of course obsessed with these terrifying species.

McKenna’s team of ex-soldiers are a strong cast, portraying likeable characters, that provide comic-relief in times of blood, gore and death. McKenna’s bands of misfits stars Trevante Rhodes, Keegan-Michael Key, Thomas Jane, Alfie Allen and Augusto Aguilera – who are bound to become fan favourites.

The Predator strays away from the original movies, and includes a story line involving McKenna’s young son portrayed by Jacob Tremblay. Unlike the other Predator movies, which contain a mysterious mythology about the Predators, this movies reveals far more than the others. After 31 years the audience is staring to learn a bit more about these iconic villains.

The film gives the audience strong visual effects, making the Predators more freighting than ever before. The film is fast paced and there is never a dull moment. The film does not need to be for die-hard science fiction fans. The Predator seamlessly mixes action, comedy and science fiction, those who are not a fan of gore will find themselves chuckling.

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