In a remote Russian Village, a creative, particular and determined child delighted in play with her father’s then state of the art camera – capturing with excellence what others could not see. Vera Haddock was that child and now, 30 years later, in the Heart of Brisbane, that same imagination, precision and drive is delivering fast, high quality and cost effective videos and stills with endless possibilities for products and services.

Her studio – VERAS puts customers at the forefront letting their imagination run wild. The technology of the StyleShoots Live Machine allows clients their own creative freedom to quickly take stunning images with the ease of an iPad touch and to instantly download them to the social media platform of their choice.

“I fell in love with the technological miracle of my Father’s camera and how it allowed me to stimulate fascination when people looked at my photos,” said Vera. “This is now exactly what VERAS enables anyone to achieve in videos or stills. To add value by enabling the immediate creation of brilliant illustrations of whatever it is that they wish to show to their customers, family or friends – via E-Commerce, On-Line, In-Store, Signage, Facebook and Instagram.”

While the innovative robotic system is user friendly, Vera also personally loves to bring her unique style and creativity to the production of content if that is the clients preference. Models, hair, makeup, props, styling and curating are all able to organised if required. “The Business Model is simple and flexible” says Vera. “ A client can hire the studio on a ‘do it yourself’ basis or I can do everything  or any combination thereof”. The production process has been carefully considered and comfort and efficiency are attained with a beautiful attention to quality and detail that reflects Vera’s personal approach to all that she does.

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